Southtowns Rural Preservation Company, Inc.

Southtowns Rural Preservation Corporation is a State-funded rural preservation company in Erie County. The purpose of SRPC is to stimulate reinvestment in the rural southtowns through residential and community renewal activities.

Service Profile:

Southtowns Rural Preservation Company, Inc. is a local, non-profit community development corporation serving the rural towns and villages of Southern Erie County. The SRPC has established a core of basic services available to eligible residents within the service area. These services include loan and grant application assistance, housing rehabilitation, and housing counseling and referral services. The long-term goals of the corporation are to effect a stabilizing influence in the communities served through the rehabilitation of individual housing units and the coordination and/or delivery of supporting services.

Service Area:

Towns: Boston, Brant, Colden, Collins, Concord, Eden, Evans, Holland, North Collins, Sardinia

Villages: Angola, Farnham, Gowanda, North Collins, Springville



Southtowns Affordable Home Repair Program provides grants to income-qualified homeowners for needed home repairs to improve the overall livability and safety of homes.

Boston School Apartments:  income-qualified, 12-unit apartment complex.  One, two, and three-bedroom apartments for income-qualified individuals and families.  Located in the Town of Boston.