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The Southtowns Rural Preservation Company is a locally based organization established as a 501(c) (3) non-profit corporation on April 22, 1986. The SRPC was created to serve as a catalyst for community development in the rural southern portion of Erie County.

Home Repair Program Since 1990, the Southtowns RPC has been providing financial assistance to eligible homeowners within the service area for needed home repairs. Successive grant awards from NYS Affordable Housing Corporation in conjunction with funds from Erie County CDBG, USDA Rural Development, and private monies have been used to make substantial repairs to homes throughout the rural Southtowns.

General Eligibility Requirements – To be eligible to participate in our home repair program the property to be repaired must be within the SRPC service area, be owner occupied, county taxes must be paid to date, and the homeowner must meet the income guidelines. Be prepared to provide verification of these items. Additionally, the homeowner must meet the Asset Test: Excluding the value of the home, assets may not exceed $15,000.

NYS Affordable Housing Corporation requires a lien be placed on the property being repaired. If a property which received assistance under the SRPC home repair program is sold or transferred prior to lien release, the entire grant amount is to be repaid in full. The term of the lien is based upon the amount of the grant: up to $5000 is a 2-year lien; $5001 to $10,000 is a 5-year lien; $10,001 or more is a 10-year lien.

Income Guidelines – Eligibility for the program will be determined from total gross household income. The amount and type of assistance provided to a household will depend on the income of the household. The low and very low-income limits are included below.

Maximum assistance through the Southtowns RPC will not exceed $20,000 in construction costs per residence.   No repayment is required unless the house is sold within the period of the lien, or the home is no longer occupied by the homeowner.


Household Size                       Very Low-Income                   Low-Income 

            1                                            $34,000                               $54,300

            2                                            $38,800                               $62,100

            3                                            $43,700                               $69,800

            4                                            $48,500                               $77,500

            5                                            $52,400                               $83,800

            6                                            $56,300                               $90,000

            7                                            $60,100                               $96,200

            8                                            $64,000                               $102,400


Guidelines are periodically revised by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, usually on an annual basis. As new income guidelines are received, these will be updated.

Eligible Improvements – The improvements listed will be given priority under the SRPC home repair program. It is important to note that the purpose of the SRPC is to make essential home repairs and correct basic deficiencies that present health and safety hazards to residents. The program does not provide funds for remodeling costs.  Foundation and structural repairs are not eligible.

Priority will be given to the following items:

- Roof repairs/Replacement                       - Wall, ceiling, and floor covering repairs

- Furnace repairs/Replacement                  - Stairway repairs

- Plumbing repair/Replacement                  - Porch and step repairs/replacement

- Electrical repairs/Replacement                 - Insulation and weatherization

- Improvements which will permit               - Gutters and downspout repairs

the use of the property by residents           - Window replacement

 with disabling conditions


Program Procedures:

  • Applications will be reviewed for eligibility based on household income and property location.
  • Homeowners must provide verification of income, such as tax returns, pay stubs, or benefit statements or other appropriate documentation.
  • An inspector will schedule a time to conduct an inspection of the property to identify the improvements needed and will prepare a work write-up and specifications which will be used to secure estimates.
  • At least three estimates must be obtained from qualified contractors for the work.
  • Bids will be reviewed by the inspector for completeness. Bid selection will be based in part on the bid amount, contractor qualifications, and experience.
  • Homeowners must sign a Note and Mortgage as well as an Owner-Contractor Agreement prior to the work being started.
  • The SRPC must have a copy of the contractor’s insurance certificate prior to start.
  • Periodic inspections of the property will be made by the SRPC inspector while work is in progress. Upon completion, a final inspection of the improvements will be made by the SRPC inspector to insure conformity with the specifications. The determination of satisfactory completion of the rehabilitation work is the responsibility of the inspector.
  • Following the final inspection, the owners will certify completion of the project and authorize the SRPC to release payment to the contractor.
  • Upon completion the contractor is to turn all warranties over to the homeowner.
  • Annually the SRPC will monitor the home to be sure the residency requirement is fulfilled.